Baby, come back.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Eugenics - the betterment of the human race through selective sterilization, abortions, and/or euthanasia.

What is with the concept of eugenics anyway?
Scientists look at the human gene pool, they see and determine which genes are defects - such as insane, idiocy, feebleminded etc., and they determine which are good traits, e.g. elegance, incorrupt, etc.
Many people we know practiced eugenics throughout history, the most prominent example I can think of; Hitler.

Hitler had the desire to make Germany racially pure, to get rid of non-Aryans, e.g., the Jews.
He started of with selective sterilization, abortions, and encouragement of reproduction between racially pure Aryan women and men.
Then he went to the extreme - the Holocaust.

But who has the say; who has the right to play God, and determine which character traits are defects and which are good?
Which society gets to set the standard for the 'best breed' of humans?
This is where conflicting ideology sets me off.

Just because one culture deems another as racially unpure, doesn't mean it is.
Why in the first place get the idea that that particular race is unpure?
I think it is clearly born from xenophobia.
Just because another person looks different from you, has different habits, or speak differently, doesn't mean that he is beneath you.
You may never have thought that he, from his perspective, may view you as the lower class.

Just because their culture and practices are different from yours, doesn't mean that his moral values aren't there, it just means that he has different ways of expressing it.
Just because they do not express it the same way as you do, and just because you, cannot comprehend nor interpret these signs and shows of concern, thus conclude that they are beneath you, and you only reach this conclusion because of you inability to comprehend and think flexibly.

Men are full of their ego; what they think is right, stays right.
And that is how they mould their minds into thinking that their culture is the best.
I'm not pinpointing any race, culture, or what-you-have.
I'm just pointing out examples from the past - like Vermont.
The whites were predominant there, though they were not the settlers.
They were bent on eliminating the Gypsies, Indians, and other inapt races from the pure Vermonts.
But to me, it was just their own xenophobia that drove that desire to rid their town of the unknown.

Just because one Gypsy may have committed murder, doesn't mean that he is not human.
Yes, murder is inhumane, but have they ever looked at the cause for it, and not the action?
No doubt, there were Gypsies and Indians held at camps and institutions - because they were deemed of having 'defects' in their genetics - just like concentration camps in Germany.
What if that Gypsy committed murder, because one of the Vermonts had killed someone in the camp, someone supposedly, a beloved family member of the accused?
Would you do the same?
Would you demand justice be done to whoever had killed your, let's say, father?
And would you, knowing that if you, a genetically defect person, brought the case to court, it would be dismissed just because of the previous fact, take justice into your own hands, just because you know it is a human right?
Would you?

Eugenics still exist in our modern world.
But now we most closely associate it with designer babies - babies that are genetically modified when they are just sperm and egg, so that 'undesirable' traits may be removed before the baby is even put into the womb.
In my opinion, this is much more humane, because most people do this to remove illnesses from their babies, and not modify them so that they may be 'good' or 'better'.
They remove heritable illness to protect their child - so that he may not need to bear the brunt of the illness when he grows up, ill and frail.
I guess it's just the parent's love for their unborn child.

But yet, some people purposely make a designer baby, to use it's body, to save another child they have.
They purposely modify their baby so that he may have all the traits to save the other.
Maybe it's commendable that the parents love their child so much that they'd sacrifice another to save the former.
But what about the other baby?
How'd it feel going in and out the hospital on a regular basis?
Where is justice to that baby, then?

Also, my di brought up the concept of 'survival of the fittest'.
What do we deem as survival of the fittest?
In this modern day context, yes, the people who have brains and are capable of handling advanced technology would be the successful ones, and would be the ones who climb up the corporate ladder.
And these will be the people who look down on others in less-advanced societies, because they cannot achieve the same.

But what if we go back to the basics?
Let's say, for example, that the world is reaching an apocalypse.
It's gonna end.
Then we won't have all these high tech gadgets to save us.
It would just be nature and us.
Now, who will survive then?
Definately not those at the top of the corporate ladder, but those who are 'backward'.

Those who live in harmony with nature, those who appreciate it.
Those who are deemed with 'defects' in their genes.
They know how to live with the land, we know how to live off it.

So really, who is the less capable now?
Who will really survive the end of the world?
Who really will be deemed as the fittest?

Just another illustration:
During the last ice age, where almost all humans were wiped out, only about 12 thousand humans survived (if I have my facts right), and these were the last few who re-populated the world.
And these last humans were Africans.

Food for thought.

All this is just my completely honest opinion about eugenics.
It should be thoroughly scraped.
We have our human rights to reproduce as we want, and to choose who we want to reproduce with.
We do not have a 'model human being' to follow.
No one has to right to decide which traits are better.
And we, certainly are not cows.

xoxo 9:32 PM

Sunday, July 18, 2010
I haven't written a story in the longest time because I am the biggest procrastinator on Earth.
Surprisingly, I finished this story in a span of 2 hours.
Certainly my fastest ever.
I guess I'm making up for lost time, lol.
Though that doesn't really help much.

But anyway, hope whoever's gonna read it, that you'd enjoy ;)

A/N: Story dedicated to my lovely brother, LGY.
Thanks also to Dr. Cindy Childress who taught me how to give my characters life and depth. Also to the panel discussion w writers from all over the world that inspired this story’s format.


Letters from one lover to another that didn’t care.

14th June 2009


I was late for school today. But I didn’t care, as usual. I thought it just and the natural thing to do; just, because I was spending time with you yesterday. I didn’t tell you, but I had to scour every part of my house just to find that extra cash to call a cab and get myself to your – our as I would like to say – house.

As usual, when you opened the door, my stomach flipped and my heart raced, just like how every clichéd girl-in-love would say she experienced. But it’s true, baby, it really is. I always get the jitters when I’m with you. Though you may not feel the same way, but I certainly do. And even though it’s been two years since we’ve been together, I can’t get rid of that feeling, that anxiousness. I think I’d die with it.

I wanted to hug you when I saw you. I reached out and opened my arms, just like how fathers would when receiving their child into their arms. But you hit me and said, “don’t be stupid.” I don’t know what I did wrong, but I’m sorry if I made you angry. I just wanted that hug, but I understand if it’s stupid to still expect a hug every time I see you, after all this while.

The bags I lugged there were heavy. In fact, I almost fell carrying them all up. I brought a lot of things for you, baby. But you didn’t even look and asked me to store them away tidily. And so I did. Alone, I unpacked everything – all the canned foods, the drinks, the snacks, and placed them in their respective areas. When I was done, I looked for you, and when I did, I encased you in a hug, of which you reciprocated, and instantly I smiled without even knowing it. Like those who try to act innocent, I looked up at you through heavy lashes, keeping my head adjusted in such a way that you’d be seeing my best angle. I wanted a kiss, but once again, you told me, “don’t be stupid.” And I knew that the moment had ended.

You went back to your computer, furiously typing away as you tried to win whatever online game you were hooked on to now. I knew better than to disturb you, and so I did not. I went about my own business, helping you tidy up your place. Keeping away my frown in an imagined duffel bag, I pictured myself throwing it out of the window, and hoping that it would land in some faraway sea. Forcing myself, I smiled, getting ready to do what I was expected to.

I started with the floor. I mopped and I scrubbed and I cleaned and I swept. With meticulous care I carried out each task, because I knew you were highly allergic to dust. I caught a glimpse of the clock hung on the wall; 4.39 am. It was late, and I was about to fall asleep standing. But you were still playing your game, and I didn’t want to disturb you. I didn’t want to make you angry. And so I continued, packing your room and the rest of the house. When I was finally done, you came up to me and said that it was late, and I had to go home. Without saying another word, you unlocked the door, and escorted me out, to where I would have to flag another cab just to get back home on time. Before the cab came though, you bent down to plant a soft kiss on my lips for a mere second, but in that second, I knew, that this night – and all that I’ve done, was worth it.

When I got home, I was too exhausted to rush for school, and so I was late. I’m so sorry baby, I hope you’ll forgive me one day.


21st June 2009


I was just looking through our old photographs together. And I really miss the old times. Remember the first time we went to the beach together, baby? Well I’m not sure if you remember – not that I expect you to, I mean, it was so long ago; but I remember the whole day perfectly, and I know I’ll never forget, because it’s permanently etched in my mind.

You were different then.

When you came to fetch me, I remembered how good you looked. You were wearing that black polo tee that I bought for you, and the denim jeans we ripped together. The smell of your cologne hung unto me as you picked me up in a hug and swung me in a tiny circle before you let me down carefully because I said I was dizzy. I regret it now – the saying I was dizzy, because you don’t carry me now or swing me around or even hug me too often; and I miss all of that.

We walked to a nice shady spot of which you skillfully spotted, and I started to unpack all our things for the lovely picnic you planned. You said that you needed to go to the washroom, and so I counted to seconds before you would return. In the meantime, I hastily unpacked everything and settled them nicely, so that we could start eating when you came back. I knew you were hungry, I could hear your stomach complaining.

Suddenly, as I was settling down a glass, a pair of hands covered my eyes, impairing my vision. I forced down a scream as I heard a familiar voice asking me, “guess who?” I giggled, because you were so silly, and I guessed it right on my first go. “My clever girl, no one else can ever compare,” you told me. And then you did another thing that threw me off my feet. From behind you surfaced the biggest and most beautiful bouquet of pink roses I have ever seen, and my mouth formed the biggest ‘O’ that could possibly be formed. “For my one and only,” you said to me, and then you placed the bouquet gently in the crook of my arms. “Oh no, that’s not the end,” you told me, when I grinned at my flowers.

You took a step back, so that you were standing right in front of me, and pulled out yet another box from behind your back. At that point, I wondered exactly how many things you could hide behind your back, and pondered if – possibly, I could fit behind there, too. Out of nowhere, you fell to one knee, opened the box, and crooned in your most velvety voice –
“Faith, my love, my precious, my everything. Have I ever told you, how pretty you are, how lucky I am? And now, I want to be lucky forever. Will you marry me?”

I could have sworn my voice was frozen, and I was too, just like a statue. But I managed to joke how we were still young, because you were only nineteen then, and I, sixteen. Though I quickly added that yes, I was willing to marry you, because I knew there and then and even before, that you were The One, and I wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of forever with you. “It’s ok,” you said, “I’ll wait. I’ll wait till we’re both older and possibly less fun.” I loved your sense of humor; you always knew how to make a tense situation feel like the most right thing on earth.

We continued with our picnic then, and I concluded that that day was for sure, the best day of my life.


29th June 2009


I don’t know where we went wrong. But I guess I’m used to it. I came to your house again, as usual, where I brought the usual things, and did the usual chores, and you played your usual games. The usual, as usual.

I don’t know how long I can take this, baby. This routine has gone on for so long. I’m physically tired, but I never complain, because I don’t want to upset you. I’m mentally tired, but I’ve learnt to stop thinking about it, to numb the pain instead, because that makes it bearable.

I don’t know why we’re like this now, but I think I may know.

It was just another day, just another ordinary day. We were seated in our usual cinema, and, if my memory doesn’t fail me, I guess we were watching Harry Potter. Or some show that you wanted to catch. You had your arms around me, and we were sharing a drink – ice lemon tea, our favorite. After the movie ended, we purposely took the longer bus to my place, like how we always did. I remember you slipped me a letter, and I still have it now.

Faith, my baby, my love.

Have I ever told you how beautiful you are? I love how your eyes always light up when we’re together. I love how your lips pull themselves automatically into the most amazing smile I have ever seen in my life. I love how your hair shines with life and bounces so care freely of your shoulders. You are so, so, so, beautiful, and I don’t know what I did to deserve you picking me out of your long line of suitors. I love you, Faith, I really do, and xxx.

I can’t believe you wrote all those, but I knew I melted when I read it. You were such an amazing boyfriend, and that was why I picked you out of the rest.

But when we reached my house, you suddenly seemed angry and moody. I quickly followed your eyes to where you were so intensely glaring at, and I could have sworn that my eyes were going to pop out of my head. Sitting there, ever so intently, at my doorstep, was Josh – one of my ever-persistent suitors.

The minute Josh saw me, words shot out of his mouth as if it were a tap left on. The most ridiculous things poured out, of how we had spent a night together, of how we had had dinner together, and other crude things I would never have even dared to think of, must less actually carry them out with Josh. I started to protest and rebut his absurd claims, but I think you zoned out then, because you were just staring into nowhere, and not answering any of us.

I think I must have hurt you very bad. Because you didn’t listen to my explanation, even though I really swear I did not do anything of which Josh claimed. From then on, you just zoned out on me, and everything we did together. It really hurt me, too, because I hated the new you, but I abhorred myself even more for landing you in this state. I’m sorry, baby, I really am. I don’t know how I can ever make up the injustice I have so selfishly and thoughtlessly inflicted on you. But I still love you, baby. I will love you forever.


4th July 2009


Why won’t you call me? Why won’t you reply my texts? Why won’t you talk to me?!! I am going crazy, baby, please don’t ignore me! Please baby, I don’t know what I did wrong, but not having you in my life for even a day kills me, and it’s been weeks, baby, weeks. Please don’t do this to me, baby. Please.

I’m sorry that I missed a spot on your couch, I’m sorry if I cried when you hit me because I didn’t do my job properly. I promise I won’t be so tardy the next time. I will do my best, and continue to do my best for you, because that’s what you deserve, baby, that’s exactly what you deserve.


28th July 2009


I’m sorry that I haven’t written to you for you long. My mind has been a blank ever since you left, but I know that you’re in a better place now, where I could never possibly hurt you. I hope you’re happy, baby, and I’m sorry for all you’ve had to endure whilst you were still here with me. I hope that you’d never have to experience those pains again, because an angel like you deserves so much more.

I really miss you, and I hope that I can hold you in my arms, again, but I know that you wouldn’t like that.
Take care, baby, and please be safe. I will miss you forever and ever.


A letter for Faith:

7th July 2009

My dearest Faith,

I’m sorry I had to leave you. I’m sorry, that for the past year, I’ve locked myself up, and kept myself as distant as possible from you. Faith, my honey, I hope that when I’m gone, that you’d find someone so much better for you, because I know I have not treated you with the respect and love that you ought to have had.

I guess I just couldn’t forgive myself for not protecting you from all your crazy suitors. I’m sorry, I failed you my darling. But now that I’m going to be out of the picture, you will be so much better off, baby.

I still think of you every night, and I know that you have suffered so much with me. Sorry for mistreating you, I just wanted you to leave me, and you don’t know how much it hurt me, Faith, baby, to treat you how I did the past year. I hated myself every time I hit you, and I thought you were the dumbest girl to have stuck with me through it all. I really don’t know why you love me so much, you silly girl. I really didn’t know how to leave you without hurting you, because I knew that if you cling on forever, you would go nowhere.

I know now, that the only way I can stop hurting you, is to just disappear forever. And that’s what I’m doing now. I’ve planned everything, and I’m sure nothing will go wrong. Please take care, my dearest, and I wish you all the best.
I love you, and still will, wherever I may be going.


The End

xoxo 7:55 PM

Saturday, May 1, 2010
The past few days have set me thinking.
Maybe I should relook at my potential career options and put philosopher close to the top of the list.

It's a universal truth that life is unfair.
Even if you were Cinderella; you've got your prince, fairygodmother, talking animals, and in the end you even get your glass slipper back.
But she had two bitches of step sisters that made her life miserable even after she got married.
So yeahh. Life's still unfair for her because she did nothing wrong and even in her time of well deserved bliss, she still gets bugged.

And that was what I was thinking about.
We can't make life fair; because we can't bend natural laws in our favour.
What we can do, though, is to change the unfairness to work in our favour.
So what if the step sisters bug her?
Cinderella can choose to ignore them and refuse their efforts to demoralize her.
She can rise above the occassion and turn the other cheek against their inanity.
And we should try to do that too.

My life is unfair; undoubtly more unfair as compared to kids my age if I dare compare so.
But I've faced events and problems some I wished I never had to go through.
I've faced losing my family forever a total of three times,
I've faced losing my own sanity about a hundred times,
I've been through police interrogation for something I was not guilty for,
I've been through countless medical treatments that make me cry so hardly, and non-stop till the doctor decides to give up,
I've been through countless rounds of councelling to assess my mental health and idiosyncrasies,
I've done illegal stuff I know I can be fined for,
I've mutilated my body to the point that I'm disgusted with it now,
But even as it hurts so badly recounting every single experience that no child my age - or any age in fact, should go through, I choose not to place emphasis on the actual events, but rather, what I stand to gain from them.

Yes, when I was younger and foolish - not that I'm not foolish now, just lesser so, I was full of anger and abhorrance for every one that damned me,
And for every person that had hurt me, taken advantage of me, and made a fool of me.
But once the anger is over, I come to realise that it is useless and not beneficial in any way.

First of all, anger makes you ugly.
And no one wants to be ugly, including me.
Even though what they did, and what I did, may scar me for life emotionally and psycologically,
I want to heal the scars, not aggravate and harness them.

Yes, life was crudely unfair to me.
My heart aches for every child who has to go through even one of those life shaking moments I had to go through.
I would especially like to relinquish the medical ordeals,
Because those are the worst.

The doctor is rough with you, and he insists there is no pain.
But after the first prode into your body, you realise he lied and you start screaming and kicking in a paroxysm of pain.
But the nurses hold you down and he continues to stick foreign stuff into your body.
So you continue crying and crying, with no one caring.
After the ordeal, the doctor actually reprimands you for your behavior and says you deserve it,
Then asks you to put on your clothes as if nothing ever happened.
He wants a blood sample next, and you run out of the room.
You get forced to go in again.
This time no one cares about what you think or what you feel, because all they want it yor blood; and they were going to get it by hook or by crook.

I used to hate the person who hurt me so much I had to go through that check up.
I hated and I cursed and I sweared because it ached so damn much that I thought I was going to die.
I hated it that my body was being so violently violated all because of that person.
I went into a state of closure and depression after that, and didn't talk to anyone.

But after awhile, I came to realise that, why should I put myself through such misery if it doesn't benefit anyone?
If it doesn't benefit myself nor was contributary to my recovery?
Yes life was unfair.
But I decided to push it aside.
What's done is done.
No one can puppet the hands of time as it crawls at the same throbbing rate every day, for all the days.

You can always wish that you could go back to the past and do things differently.
I mean, who wouldn't want that?
You could always say that 'I wished I had done that' or 'I wished that I had cherished this or that more' etc. etc.
But it would never benefit you.

I used to dwell on every thing I wished I could have changed.
I always told myself, 'what if things were like this, or what if things were like that?'
I always pictured my dreams in reality, the dream whereby there were picturesque skylines and I was safe; where I didn't have to go through life shattering ordeals, where I didn't have to be sad and hurt, where I didn't have to feel so miserable and hollow, where I wasn't exposed to the horrors of the world, where I could live in my own fairytale, where I could dictate my own future and choose only the happiest moments, where I could have the life I would lead the most willingly.
But the fact is - you will never get it.

It's a dangerous cycle.
You keep thinking and imagining this 'perfect' life.
You keep wishing it will happen.
But you know the fact that it won't, you just don't want to acknowledge it, because you've gotten so used to your fantasy that it's blurring the line between reality and fact.
And that's exactly what I did.

It was truly wonderful; to be living in the world you wanted.
But once reality smacks you right in the face like how you'd walk into a glass window, it really stings.
You will spiral into a state of depression of sorts, because it feels as if you've been shoved into a completely different world.
A world whereby you're suddenly exposed to everything the world can throw to you again, and a world whereby reality is harsh.

It's hard to accept at first, and it also pains a lot.
It was gruesome for me to try to pull myself back into the real world,
And it tore me apart.

So why try to control time?
Why continue mopping around about something I cannot change?
Why should I be miserable and let others who wanted to see me in this state be happy?
So I turned the consequences around and decided to pick myself up.
I starting living again.

I watched a movie before, and it said:
"When life throws you lemons, make lemonade."
So I've made tons of lemonade, but that doesn't mean I hadn't swallowed twice as much lemons before.

Life is unfair, but you can make it fair according to your own terms.
Don't seek revenge on those who have inflicted harm on you, but find ways to help improve their lives.
Don't wish ill to them, but let them know that you'll keep them in your prayers.
Don't habour anger in your heart, but instead turn your efforts into making them happy.
Don't devulge in self-pity, but show sympathy and empathy for them.
Don't see the plight in your own situation, but help them to relieve them of theirs.

Do all these, because life is such.
There is no use to make the lives of others miserable because they have made yours as such.
Always treat others as you wish they treat you.

Don't ponder of all the extremities life has thrown to you to suffer with.
Instead, choose to see the learning points from these ordeals, and in turn, grow into a greater person.
You gain nothing from being angry and throwing fits, but you learn from the world when you open up and help others.
Do not dwell on life's unfairness toward you, because there will always be someone out there who is suffering more than you.
Always see the light in your situation,
Because the will of God will never send you to a place where the grace of God won't protect you.

And I guess that's all I've learnt from all my past ordeals.
And I don't curse or blasphemise because all those unfairness were imposed on me.
But instead I choose to turn the situations to my favour,
Because I want to life to it's fullest, because life is short.

And you should too.

*Though I'm in no way saying that what I've said is the right way to tackle life, because it's just my experiences and opinions, :)

xoxo 2:27 PM

Tuesday, April 6, 2010
I don't want to lose you.
All I've ever done was for you;
Was to hopefully buy more time before you had to go.
But I guess whatever I do will never be enough because you're always angry at me.
Sometimes I wish I knew where I went wrong,
But I kill myself over trying to figure it out.
I spent so much time on you,
Your needs, your happiness.
And just when I've got one day to myself,
I get you angry again.

I've cared so much about you that I've lost me.

xoxo 11:14 PM

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking.
When there are clouds in the sky
You'll get by.

If you smile through your pain and sorrow
Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun shining through
For you.

Light up your face with gladness,
Hide every trace of sadness.
Although a tear may be ever so near
That's the time you must keep on trying
Smile, what's the use of crying.
You'll find that life is still worthwhile -
If you just smile.

xoxo 12:10 AM

Monday, December 28, 2009
It's been awhile since Shermin first invited me to City Harvest Church.
I must say it's been an experience but such a joy as well.
Growing up in a catholic school, I'm used to prayers and hymms and such, but I've never truly immersed myself in beliving in God just based purely on the fact that Mass was boring (imo).

But CHC's different I guess.
It's a christian church and service is totally different from the Masses at school.
I guess I'm kind of devoted now, going to service every Saturday, cell group every Friday and all that such.

So when I went out w Di that day, we 'proached on the topic of creationism and darwinism.

To quote from her blog,

Oh yeah, this reminds me of a conversation I had with Tessajie about creationism and Darwinism.
I told her that I liked the idea of creationism (you know, the whole Adam and Eve deal), but then again, the theory of evolution seems more practical to me.
She told me that she felt the same, but she supported the Adam and Eve deal more since...well, I forgot her reason, but I felt that it was legitimate.
Anyway, so yeah, she asked me why I was so paranoid about creationism.
I didn't want to say it, but from what I know so far about Adam and Eve, they're the first Humans created by God.
Perfect images of him or something like that, right?
...Well, so if I were to believe in creationism, Adam and Eve's kids must have had done each other, and so on and so fourth until they populated the world.
Isn't that incest? (don't tell me the Bible doesn't have anything about that)

Doesn't this mean my dad did his sis, which happens to be my mum, and got my bro, my sis and I?
And that's the same for everyone doing each other right now. They're either doing their brother or sister.
It's just too creepy to imagine.
That's why I don't believe in creationism

Ok before I ramble on, if you don't like a lot of words just don't read this post lol.

My point was, as Di mentioned, was that yes, I do believe in darwinism, because it is logical.
Btw, darwinism is like a term coined for Charles Darwin's "Theory of Evolution", that we originated from other animals that evolutionized over millions of years.
Creationism is the term coined for the Bible story about the creation of us, humans, namely Adam and Eve, by God.

I understand and support darwinism because it has logic to back it up.
Like, the first creatures on Earth were sea animals, and as the Earth grew older, the climates changed, weather changed, the landscape changed, as the Earth stabelized.
So in order to adapt to the changes, the animals must have developed special features/characteristics over the years to survive, no?
And slowly over billions of years, humans finally evolved from that first sea creature.

Thus I believe in darwinism, because it seems logical.

But I also believe in creationism.

In the very first book of the Old Testiment, it cleary states that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" Genesis 1:1

So if He created the heavens and the earth then he surely would have created beings to inhibit the earth because surely everyone wants their work to bear fruit?
And so He did as stated in Genesis 2:7-14.
And he created man.
"The LORD God formed the man from the soil of the ground and breathed in his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living thing." Genesis 2:7

This is the part I go like "whattt" because I said I believed in darwinism because of the logic, and what the Bible stated doesn't seem logical, no?
But throughout the Old and New Testiment, miracles are seen.
And if God could perform those miracles, why couldn't He create man?

On to the point about Adam and Eve were siblings.
"Then the LORD God made a woman from the part he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.
"Then the man said, 'This one at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; this one will be called "woman," for she was taken out of man
" Genesis 2:23 and 24

So technically, the woman is the man's flesh and blood.
Because she was made out of a part of him.
So yeah, they're siblings, because family is flesh and blood, right?
I mean if God wanted to make another human, why not just take another lump of soil and breathe life into it?

But on the theory of darwinism, if as they stated that the first creatures were made from particles in the water, then weren't all the creatures made from the SAME particles?

I mean like, human DNA only differs 0.01% from human to human, and it differs 0.5-1% from pigs and rats etc., because we were made from the same particles.

Because we evolutionized from that first sea creature.
And the second sea creature probably was formed by the exact same particles as the first sea creature.
So in a sense, according to the theory of darwinism, aren't we all siblings, too?
Siblings w other animals too, those that were made from those particles that evolutionized into different forms.

There probably weren't many first humans either, so sisters and brothers probably had sex w each other, because they couldn't find anyone else.
I mean like, if the first evolutionized humans were male and female, they'd probably do each other to produce more humans to populate their species because it is instinct to continue our species, right?
They wouldn't just sit around to wait for other humans to be evolved from other creatures, right?

Like how there was that great ice age once, (I forgot which lah) and it wiped out almost ALL of human race.
There were only around 2000 Africans left, because they were not affected much by it.
There probably weren't many different families in there, either.
So siblings probably did each other to ensure continuity of the species, ye?

And we most probably owe those bunch of Africans for our survival now, because if they died, too, in that ice age, we'd probably not be here.

I don't know if it makes sense, but there is a chance we could all be distant relatives according to the theory of darwinism.

Also in the bible, there's prominent display of how we humans and what we humans would do to ensure continuity.

"Come, let's make our father drunk with wine so we can have sexual relations with him and preserve our family line through our father.
"So that night they made their father drunk with wine, and the older daughter came and had sexual relations with her father. But he was not aware that she had sexual relations with him and then got up.
"So in the morning the older daughter said to the younger, 'Since I had sexual relations with my father last night, let's make him drunk again tonight. Then you go and have sexual relations with him so we can preserve our family line through our father.'
"So they made their father drunk that night as well, and the younger one came and had sexual relations with him. But he was not aware that she had sexual relations with him and got up.
" Genesis 19:32-35

So if Lot's daughters would do such a thing (in this case, incest) just to preserve their family line, don't you think that the first humans in the theory of darwinism would do the same to preserve theirs?

So aren't darwinism and creationism the same in terms of how the Earth was populated by us, i.e. siblings doing each other?
They're just different in how they protrayed the first humans to have been made.

Well anyway it's just my point of view about this whole thing.
And you should be bored to death by now (if you made it thus far) so I'm going to end here.

xoxo 11:53 PM

Something to fill up this empty space in the meantime.
Ripped off Di's blog.

Write down whatever you think when you first see the words. No changing whatsoever.

1. BEER: Drunk.

2. ANOREXIC: Sticks.

3. RELATIONSHIP: Greatest headaches ever.

4. MOVIES: Are expensive.

5. POWER RANGERS: Whaaaat?

6. WEED: Grass.

7. SMOKING: Ditto.

8. LIFE: Unexpected.


10. DREAMS: Are wishful thinking.

11. CARS: Ferrari.

12. GAS PRICES: I don't care.

13. HALLOWEEN: Needs to be more celebrated in Singapore.

14. BON JOVI: Screams.


16. MYSPACE: I don't have it.

17. WORST FEAR: Losing you.

18. MARRIAGE: Should never have existed.

19. PARIS HILTON: Has lazy eyes.

20. BRUNETTES: Are smart.

21. REDHEADS: Are wild.

22. POLITICS: Are a waste of time.

23: WORK: Should be damned.

24. ONE NIGHT STANDS: Are for drunkards.

25: CELL PHONE: iPhone.

26: HIGH SCHOOL: Should be demolished.

27. PAJAMAS: Don't wear 'em.

28. WOODS: Lonzenge.

29. WET SOCK: Smelly feet.

30. ALCOHOL: Smelly breath.

31. THE WORD LOVE: Plays w your mind.

32. YOUR BEST FRIEND: Is not as good as mine. (:O)

33. MONEY: Is a neccessary evil.

34. HEARTACHE: All the time.

35. LOVE: Makes the world go square.

36. TIME: Is a joker.

37. DIVORCE: Ftw.

38. TODAY: Is now.

39. YESTERDAY: Is history.

40. YOU: Are unattainable.

Anw, feliz navidad!

xoxo 11:26 PM

Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Joke of the day:

Sebas: Just now that guy is your friend or your father?


Ehhehehe, ok.
I have the sudden urge to do a christmas card!
Havn't been designing and making cards for a long time.
Feel as if I've lost my touch, boo.

Anw, nothing much to update because I got no pictures.
Will update when I do.

P/s: Happy birthday Sebas!
P/s/s: Happy birthday Jac baby!

xoxo 1:31 AM